Carbon Neutral Repairs

By Booking A Repair You Are Helping

See how many trees you have helped to plant and our carbon offset projects

Did You Know?


It takes 80-90kg of Co2 to make 1 mobile phone.

It takes 13000 litres of water to make 1 mobile phone. 

By repairing your device and keeping it for 1 year longer reduces the carbon footprint of that device by 25%. Even more if you keep it longer.

The precious materials in your mobile phone, have to be mined from the ground, they are running out, and cause a big environmental issue.

How You Can Help

Repair your device and not upgrade every year.
Buy a refurbished device, this will be cheaper, they can look like new but then you are re using and dramatically lowering the carbon footprint.
Repair your device with us as we offset all the carbon footprint from your repair.
Delete old emails and photos so you are not storing things you do not need.
Reduce the frequency your mobile phone checks for emails.

How Do We Do This?

We have partnered with Ecologi to plant trees and take part in projects that offset the carbon footprint from driving the van to you and doing the repair. This means our repairs are now carbon neutral and you are also reducing the carbon impact by having a repair rather than replacing your device.
Our Goodie Bags are recyclable and compostable.

We have swapped from Gas and now heat our office with Inverter / Air Source Heat Pump

When charging our van, we have solar panels on our office roof to help charge it.

We are paperless, all our documents will be sent to you electronically, saving paper.

We have started a Sustainability Award scheme for our business customers to help them record their co2 and water saving achievements.

We buy from local suppliers.

Our main technician comes to work on a bike.

We like to support other Sustainable businesses.

Our website hosting is green.

Our leaflets are made from recycled paper.

Green Award

NNBN Business Awards Highly Recommended
BBC Make A Difference Awards We Are A Finalist
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